Undergraduate Student - timing analysis of the NVIDIA ORIN (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computer Architecture and Operating System group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center aims at carrying out research on programming models for critical embedded systems in charge of controlling fundamental parts of cars, airplanes and satellites. Our work is mainly done in the context of bilateral projects with several processor companies as well as several European-funded projects. For a complete list of publications of the group in the last years, please visit: www.bsc.es/caos

The objective of this position is to do

a final degree project in the field of real-time systems. The work will consist on analyzing measurements from real platforms and perform analyses useful towards estimating the worst case execution time of programs in complex systems. The focus will be analyzing the QoS mechanisms in the ZUS SoC from Xilinx.

Key Duties

  • Analysis of relationships among performance monitors in the platform.
  • Performance analysis of different benchmarks
  • Understand and program the L3 cache

Dijous, 16 Novembre, 2023

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