China: a country full of opportunities

Presentation by members of the Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture

If you want to know this university, its location, the subjects research options, come to the session that will take place on Friday, 1 December 2023, in the Vèrtex building of the North Campus of the UPC at 11:00 a.m.

Google maps

Call addressed to Chinese students and UPC graduates with international experience, and especially doctors. The NPU would like to hire UPC graduates.


11:00 am Welcome, by Juli Boned, UPC Alumni

11:05am Presentation of the speakers, by Kok Wong International Relations Service of the UPC

11:10am Speeches of the members of the NPU

12:10 pm Open session for questions

Language of the session: English-Chinese

Place: Vertex Building, Plaça Eusebi Güell n.6, Campus Nord de la UPC, Room VS 208

Limited places. Get registered now!!

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