DuPont Tyvek Design Award 2023

We invite you to design and prototype new creative applications for DuPont™ Tyvek®, a unique and versatile material. Unleash your creativity, harnessing the expansive potential of this material that blends the properties of paper, film, and fabric.

To enhance your design and increase your likelihood of selection, DuPont provides a complimentary Swatchbook. This sample book showcases the full range of Tyvek® materials as well as converted Tyvek® fabrics for both design and consumer applications. The Swatchbook facilitates informed decisions regarding material choices for your entry. For more information, please refer to the "How to Request the Swatchbook" section.

For a deeper understanding of the properties of DuPont™ Tyvek® material, refer to the subsequent sections and consult the information provided by DuPont.

The brief is available in the following languages:

Build your inspiration board on the Inspiration tab and explore ideas shared by fellow creatives!

Total Award Value: €9000 + 20 Backpacks designed with Tyvek® (unitary value: about 50 Euro)

3 x BEST Tyvek® DESIGN OF 2023 Awards:
- €3000 each
- 1 x Backpack each
- Visibility Perks (detailed below)

17 x Special Mentions:
- 1 x Backpack each
- Visibility Perks (detailed below)

Visibility Award:
- Beyond the designated winners and special mentions, DuPont reserves the right to select additional projects to bestow the Visibility
Perks detailed below.

Visibility Perks:
- Official recognition certificate
- Visibility on Tyvek® official media and media partner platforms
- Opportunity to connect with well-known brand partners for potential business opportunities.

The winners will be selected by the Sponsor based on originality, feasibility, and consistency with the provided brief. The decision will be final and unquestionable.

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