Master Student - Container Orchestration (R0) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The data-centric computing group from the computer science department at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center searches for 1 Master Student on high-performance computing topics, willing to work on a HPC Orchestration in a EU project, for the course 2023-2024.

The main objective is to participate in European research projects focused on managing HPC infrastructures for image processing applications (medical and space). For this, we're looking for a Master student (coursing or finishing their Master studies by 2024) to join the DCC group and help in different research tasks on managing AI-related applications on High-Performance Computing architectures. The mentioned tasks involve academic tasks as experimenting with containerized architectures, AI/ML platforms, also communicate research results (writing scientific papers, assisting to scientific conferences, ...). There is the possibility to join as a PhD student, at the end of the project.

Key Duties

  • Experimentation with HPC platforms for Data Analytics and applications (e.g. Spark, Docker/Singularity, K8, ...)
  • Contribution to the development of bigger frameworks for AI applications
  • Functional design and execution of experiments related to HPC/AI architectures
  • Give mutual support to other researchers in the project

Data de tancament: Dijous, 30 Novembre, 2023

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