Innovation and Business Development - Internship per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Reporting to BSC’s Innovation and Business development and Technology Transfer teams, the Innovation and Business Development intern will play a role in supporting activities related to intellectual property rights (IPR) management and innovation and business development at BSC. This role involves a diverse range of tasks, including general support for innovation and business development, IPR services support, spin-off management, and assistance in the X4HPC project.

Key Duties

General Support:

- Innovation and Business Development CRM uploading information.

- KPI follow up at XMatrix

- Meetings, events, and visits organisation support

IPR services support:

- Support in the compilation of background tables, TT email correspondence with IP and email uploading at Share IP

- Completion of IP registration excel sheet (keywords, potential market, gral info)

- Support to compile and publish Technology Portfolio

- Documentation archive (pdf, excel etc.)

Spin off management:

- Spin off Documentation archive management (Follow up Boards Documentation, Company Documentation (legal, financial , annual accounts etc..)


- Support during the Project events to elaborate minutes

- Support to compile and publish Technology Portfolio

Termini per aplicar: Dilluns, 16 Octubre, 2023

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