We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work on the project MECA-ICTUS, a 3-year project funded under the Generación de Conocimiento 2022 call of Agencia Estatal de Investigación. In MECA-ICTUS we will pursue the development of computational mechanics and machine learning tools for predicting the success of endovascular thrombectomy, an urgent intervention for the removal of thrombi in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients.
The selected candidate will be responsible of 1) development of computational mechanics tools within an on-going Finite Element framework in Julia language, in which the PI and collaborators have worked during the last 4 years, and 2) development of machine learning models to predict the success of the intervention.
The project is meant to ensure the professional growth of the selected candidate. He/she will work in CIMNE/LaCàN (UPC), an enriching environment with a strong expertise in computational mechanics, biomechanics and data-driven modelling. The project will also involve exchanges with international researchers in France, Italy and USA as well as continuous exchanges with clinicians to ensure the adequacy of the numerical developments.
For applications, please see details below. For any enquiries don’t hesitate to reach Miquel Aguirre (miquel.aguirre@upc.edu). No application will be accepted by e-mail.
The deadline for registration to the offer ends on September 30, 2023 at 12 noon.
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