1st meeting of the new Women in HPC chapter.
Including presentation from women working on HPC at different career stages
09:30 09:45 Registration
09:45 10:15 Welcome and introduction to WHPC MAR chapter, Marta Garcia
10:15 11:00 Invited keynote: Earth system modelling to inform public health decision-making, Rachel Lowe
11:00 11:20 Coffee break
11:20 11:40 Quantum Readiness in HPC, Elisabeth Ortega
11:40 12:00 Practical and Unconventional Use of Machine Learning in System-level Resource Management, Thaleia Dimitra Doudali
12:00 13:00 Panel: The future of MAR chapter, Moderating: Elisabeth Ortega
13:00 14:00 Lunch
14:00 14:30 MareNostrum visit
14:30 14:50 Container-based deployment strategies on heterogeneous edge-to-cloud computing infrastructures, Alba Cañete Garrucho
14:50 15:10 About EESSI - European Environment for Scientific Software Installations, Helena Vela
15:10 15:30 HPC for real-time systems: An OpeMP story, Sara Royuela
15:30 15:50 TBA
15:50 16:00 Closing public sesion
16:00 16:20 Coffee break
16:20 18:00 WHPC chapter meeting (private for chapter members)
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