CES 2022 Challenge by Leyton

Leyton has recently launched an international program that aims to increase our actions to support and fund innovative sustainable projects. Part of this program is the Leyton CES 2022 Challenge – this is about promoting the best early stage Techforgood, Greentech and Healthtech projects in 7 different countries in Europe and North America.

CES is the world’s largest platform for everyone who thrives on the business of consumer technology. It has served as the proving ground for innovators and breakthrough technology for 50 years — the global stage where next-generation innovations are introduced to the marketplace.

The winners of the contest will exhibit at CES Eureka Park, the primary stage for start-ups where new ideas are funded, new partnerships are formed and new acquisitions take place. Investors come to Eureka Park to find their next unicorn. Global media come to look for their next story. Corporations come to look for partnerships and acquisitions. With start-ups from over 37 countries, you need to be there too.

Quan: 03/10/2021

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