Currywurst meets Frikandel | EURES - European Job Days

Are you a cross-border commuter or would you like to become one?

Do you have any questions about employment in the neighbouring country (social security, labor law or taxes)?

Would you like to get in touch with employers from another country?

With our Event "Currywurst meets Frikandel" which will take place online on 30 November 2021 you will have the possibility to get everything in one place. You also have the opportunity to get to know the other country better. Currywurst or Frikandel, which one tastes better? Decide for yourself!

Contact persons from the German Employment Agency and the Dutch UWV are available for you together with experts in the areas of social security, labor law or taxes.

Exclusive employers from both countries will also offer the opportunity to present themselves and their vacancies.

You will have the chance to get information and the chance to speak to them. And maybe even find your next employer!

Get ready for an informative event, an intercultural exchange and getting a 360 ° view of the cross-border job market!

Quan: 30 NOVEMBER 2021

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