For the first time after decades of enjoying the freedom of movement, we felt geographical borders temporarily arising due to the pandemic. The traditional, successful and strong partnership between the PES as well as EURES of both Czech Republic and Germany, however, became even stronger during these challenging times, thus giving evidence for how important a cooperation and a real bond within the EU could be.
In the philosophy of a borderless Europe, free movement and diversity, EURES Bavaria and the Bavarian headquarters of the Federal Employment Office (Bundesagentur für Arbeit), the Czech PES (Úřad práce) and EURES cross-border Czech Republic are pleased to invite you to our traditional EOJD for the cross-border region supported by ELA (European Labour Authority).
This event will take place online on Tuesday, 19th 2021, from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm CET.
Més entrades d'Esdeveniments de reclutament