Google News Initiative (GNI) Startups Lab Europe 2021

Created in partnership between the Google News Initiative (GNI), German media innovation hub Media Lab Bayern, and the European Journalism Centre (EJC), the GNI Startups Lab Europe supports high-quality reporting for local communities, single-topic audiences and/or previously underserved communities.

Are you an early stage news organisation creating original digital content? 

GNI, Media Lab and the EJC have built a six-month programme specifically tailored to the needs of content startups in Europe. You will benefit from Media Lab’s experience in supporting media startups and from EJC’s extensive European network and active community: there will be workshops, coaching and high-profile networking opportunities. Additionally, as a participant you will get access to up to € 25,000 in grants for running revenue-generating experiments, should you need it.

Deadline: 20 September 2021

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