Session Linking Companies with UPC Students

Would you like to orient your career towards the professional sector that is showing no signs of slowing down? We organized a session of ‘Linking Companies with UPC Students’, an online meeting bringing together leading companies from Barcelona’s ITC field and international students of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

In this event, we will get to know more about Barcelona Digital Talent and how it can help your career in the digital arena. Also, you’ll get a close look at Barcelona’s digital industry together with representatives from its leading corporation such as SEAT:CODE, Zurich and how they transformed a traditional business into a digital one and Red point on how they are disrupting the eCommerce sector.

You will have the opportunity of knowing the experience of:

  • Carlos Buenosvinos, CEO and Chief Technology Officer at SEAT:CODE
  • Stefano de Liguoro, Head of Digital and Direct Business at Zurich
  • Juan Galdeano, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Red Points

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