UN Volunteer in Coordination

Eligibility criteria

Candidate age: between 18 and 29 throughout the entire duration of their assignment. Nationals of the country of assignment are not eligible, except the assignments in Headquarters duty stations.

Description of task

Under the guidance and direct supervision of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, the UN Youth Volunteer will undertake the following tasks:

  • As part of a team, the youth volunteer will support the preparation, coordination, implementation, monitoring of key initiatives in support of the implementation of the UN Youth Strategy focusing on participation, advocacy, partnerships, and coordination of youth work in the UN System.
  • Support the organization of special events, conferences, workshops, and High-Level events, including by participating in relevant meetings with partners, assist in preparing concept & logistics notes, session scenarios and other materials.
  • Support the preparation substantive materials across a range of issues through briefs, talking points, speeches, and provide succinct analysis of key developments.
  • Provide support to the project management of the Office including administrative tasks, associated with the Office’s key initiatives.
  • Carry out research on selected aspects of programmes, operations and other activities, and contribute to data collection, analysis, and dissemination and supports knowledge sharing and management.
  • Support partnership development and engagement around the key initiatives.
  • Promote the integration of youth and youth volunteers in UN field operations across all UN pillars (development, peace and security, human rights, humanitarian), including in joint initiatives (e.g. in the framework of projects under the Peacebuilding Fund, the SDG Fund, the UNDP-DPPA Joint Programme, the Spotlight Initiative, etc.)
  • Perform other duties as required
DEADLINE 20.02.2020

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