FIB Alumni seminar: Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax (EARS)

System requirements are usually written in unconstrained natural language (NL), which is inherently imprecise. Often, requirements authors are not trained in how to write requirements. During system development, requirements problems propagate to lower levels. This creates unnecessary volatility and risk, impacting programme schedule and cost. The Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax (EARS) is a mechanism to gently constrain NL requirements. The EARS patterns provide structured guidance that enable authors to write high quality textual requirements. EARS requirements have a set syntax (structure), with an underlying ruleset. A small number of keywords are used to denote the different clauses of an EARS requirement. The clauses are always in the same order, following a natural order. 

Alistair Mavin (Mav) is an independent requirements specialist based in the UK. Mav worked as a requirements specialist at Rolls-Royce PLC for 14 years. He has carried out requirements engineering projects in a range of industries including aerospace, automotive, defence, industrial plant design, rail and software systems. He is the lead author of EARS and EARS+ and has experience in the development and delivery of requirements engineering training and in innovation and creativity support.

FIB Alumni invites you to join the seminar. It will take place on 3rd of March at 7 pm at the Auditorium Manuel Martí Recober from Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona.

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