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PhD Student in Climate Services (R1) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Earth System Services Group (ESS) is seeking a highly motivated student for a Ph.D. position in climate services. The candidate will conduct cutting-edge research on the co-development of climate services at decadal temporal scales for the energy sector.

The person appointed will work on the BOREAS project (Convocatoria 2022 - «Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento»; PID2022-140673OA-I00). The aim of the BOREAS project is to blend knowledge from climate predictions and projections to make the Spanish energy sector more resilient to climate variability and climate change, hence contributing to the better management of the current climate and energy crises. As renewable energy supply and demand are affected by atmospheric weather conditions, weather extremes and climate change trends, the increasing integration of renewables into the power mix is making the electricity supply more vulnerable. By improving our knowledge of the expected renewable power output and electricity demand in the forthcoming weeks, months, years and decades, BOREAS will support a growing integration of renewables into electricity networks and the development of climate adaptation measures by anticipating extreme events. The overall scientific objective of BOREAS is to make the Spanish energy sector more resilient to climate variability and climate change by using and exploring the frontier of the best climate information at different temporal.

The Earth System Services Group (ESS) within the Earth Sciences Department aims to research the impact of weather, atmospheric chemistry and climate on socio-economic sectors, including renewable energy, agriculture, water management, forest fires, urban development and health and demonstrate the ongoing value of earth system services to society and the economy. The selected candidate will work with decadal climate predictions to co-develop climate information relevant to stakeholders at both regional and local scales. The candidate will tackle research questions related to the seamless flow of climate information, the increase of climate predictions spatial resolution for decision-making and their impact on both the skill and reliability of the climate information. The candidate will benefit from interdisciplinary training opportunities tailored to their experience and interests. The research will be positioned within the context of WMO’s Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), whose aim is to provide actionable climate information to key sectors of society. The position holder will enjoy joining one of the leading and most dynamic European groups in climate services.

Successful candidates will benefit from expert training, and BSC-CNS staff will benefit from an international multidisciplinary scientific environment and advanced applied research training. We encourage applications from highly motivated candidates with demonstrated experience in statistical downscaling and AI and a strong interest in applied research in the context of climate services.

Key Duties

  • Calibration, downscaling and verification of decadal climate predictions following stakeholders' requirements.
  • Develop tailored indicators to translate climate predictions into actionable information
  • Formulation of the best methodology to seamlessly combine climate predictions for the co-development of climate services.
  • Engage with stakeholders and policy makers
  • Disseminate research outputs in peer-reviewed scientific papers and international conferences.
  • Interact with scientists in the group, department, centre and other institutions in Barcelona to enhance synergies.

Data de tancament: Dijous, 16 Novembre, 2023

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