Engineer for software development, code validation and verification in a high performance computing environment (PRIMUS project) per el CIMNE
Functions to be developed:
This position is to work on the project “PRIMUS: Printing pattern based and MultiScale enhanced performance analysis of advanced Additive Manufacturing components”, with reference PID2020 -115575RB-I00 funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
More information about the project:
The main tasks will be:
- Development of innovative numerical methods for the analysis of the performance of thermoplastic components manufactured via Fused Filament Fabrication
- Implementation of a multiscale approach based on Reduced Order Modeling (ROM) techniques for characterization of the FFF parts.
- Design and modelling of components based on auxetic structures: Advanced Additive ManufacturingComponents
- Calibration of the software vs experimental results.
The position is compatible with the development of a PhD thesis.
The deadline for registration to the offer ends on October 24 th, 2023 at 12 noon.
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