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Deutsche Bank Graduate Programme 2023

Join Deutsche Bank and transform the world of banking. Our development programme will be transformative to you too, with a wealth of training, exposure to fascinating projects, and endless opportunities to gain the skills you need to innovate for the benefit of our clients and society as a whole. You’ll work alongside some of the industry’s top minds and build a network around you that will help drive your career in the direction you want it to go in. We look for talented and driven candidates who will thrive in an inclusive culture where individuality defines your impact. If you want to develop the skills needed to build a thriving financial services career, Deutsche Bank is the place to discover your full potential.

During your twelve months as a graduate trainee you will be an integral part of the team, gaining practical experience of key areas within the Chief Risk Office (CRO), benefiting from first-class training and individual mentoring. This combination of on and off-the-job training will equip you with vital skills and enable you to make an important and immediate contribution to the CRO organization.
About the Chief Risk Office division: Deutsche Bank is exposed to a wide range of risks every day. Credit losses, volatility of market prices, operational failures, infrastructure outages, liquidity shortages, and regulatory and legal matters can all have an impact on the bank’s capital and reputation. The Chief Risk Office has a group-wide responsibility for the identification, measurement, management and mitigation of these risks. The Chief Risk Office does this through rigorous monitoring and measurement processes, a framework of principles, and close collaboration with the bank’s Business divisions which allow us to have a holistic view of our business and our clients. In an increasingly complex environment, risk management is evolving and continuously adapting to keep pace with market dynamics and complex financial products.
In order to succeed it is required a truly integrated approach of capital and risk management, a model embodied by the Chief Risk Office and the bank. This industry-leading platform is built on consolidated management of capital, funding and liquidity; comprehensive stress testing; and robust underwriting and monitoring standards.
Division specifics about the graduate role
Working on our day-to-day business as well as on special projects, you will gain a broad overview of the Chief Risk Office Division. The traineeship will be divided into three rotations in different key functions within Chief Risk Office Spain. Main tasks you will perform include but are not limited to:
• Credit analysis for retail, corporate and high-net-worth clients to determine their credit risk profile based on the client’s strategy and creditworthiness assessment
• Support the calculation of potential risk exposures and definition of risk metrics
• Ensure timely, complete and accurate processing of risk management data relevant to the risk processes and for the reporting to local and global regulators
• Process the aggregation and the validation of risk data for the reporting to senior management
• Oversight of non-financial risks and controls defined across all areas of the bank
• Participation in cross-divisional and international projects
Regardless of your role, the challenges you will overcome in the Chief Risk Office division offer ideal preparation for a successful career at Deutsche Bank and the Financial Industry. You will learn from the best, evolve professionally as well as personally, and build a firm foundation upon which to specialize later.
What we look for:
We recruit students and graduates who are bright minded, intelligent, results-focused and adaptable with excellent interpersonal skills and with strong academic records. Whilst you won’t necessarily need a formal mathematical or financial background, a focus on Business, Economics, Mathematics or Engineering in your studies would be preferable. Excellent written and spoken English is a must as well as the aptitude to work in an international context.
You should not only be passionate about the world of finance, but also show a keen interest in Risk Management. You should have outstanding analytical capacity and sound skills in MS-Office. SAS and/or SQL will be positively valued. You’ll thrive on working in a highly collaborative and diverse culture with some of the best minds in Risk Management and the broader organization.
Working in a rapid changing environment, you should have strong organizational skills with the ability to manage time efficiently and effectively and the capability to work independently.

Please note that to apply for our 2023 Graduate Programme you must graduate in 2023 or have graduated in the last 12 months (i.e. in 2022).

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