Women4Space Conference Series: ‘Parabolic Flight to experiment plants in space’ with Lucie Poulet

Will plants be a key element for future human spaceflight missions? Have you ever wondered if plants grow differently in space?

At this #Women4Space conference, Lucie Poulet will start by detailing the activities of the Space Crop Production group at NASA KSC and one activity in particular will be presented in greater details. The group is preparing for 3 parabolic flights in the Fall of 2021 to test microgreens harvesting in reduced gravity.

Lucie Poulet is a postdoctoral researcher at NASA Kennedy Space Center in the Space Crop Production group. She has been working on bioregenerative life-support related projects for over 10 years (with DLR, CNES, and ESA) and holds a PhD in process engineering from University Clermont Auvergne (France).

Register here and don’t miss it!

Quan: 20.10.2021Time 18:00 CEST

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Club ETSEIB Alumni: Taula rodona, El món del MOTORSPORT

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