The Al-Idrissi fault is one of the largest active faults located in the Alboran Sea and is responsible for the large earthquake of 2016 (Mw 6.4) that caused damage in northern Morocco and was felt in all the coastal areas of Alborán. Over the last few years, researchers from the Institute of Marine Sciences of the CSIC have been acquiring geophysical data (e.g., bathymetries and seismic profiles) with various resolutions along the fault, as well as sediment cores. The objective of the predoctoral contractee's training plan is to use all this data to determine the 3D structure of the fault, understand its evolution and better characterize its potential to generate large earthquakes and tsunamis. For them, bathymetry data will be used to map the trace of the fault on the surface and identify those morphologies that are indicators of recent tectonic activity. The seismic profiles will allow us to interpret the structure of the fault in depth along its entire length and create a 3D model of the system. With all this information, the fault will be modeled using numerical and analog modeling techniques to obtain those properties that characterize its activity, such as deformation rates or surface deformation due to an earthquake, essential data to determine the hazard both seismic and tsunami generation that the Al-Idrissi fault may have.
The Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM) ( is the fourth largest research institute of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the largest dedicated to marine research, and in 2020 it was awarded with the Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa accreditation. Under the motto “Ocean Science for a Healthy Planet,” the ICM conducts frontier research and foster both knowledge and technology transfer on topics related to ocean and climate interactions, conservation and sustainable use of marine life and ecosystems, and impact mitigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards. In-depth knowledge, determined action, and coordinated management are essential to confronting these global challenges, thereby driving sustainable development of humankind.
For more information contact Hector Perea ( or Sara Martínez Loriente (
DEADLINE: 15 February 2024
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