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Research positions for the Atlas Pixel group within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan – Funded by the European Union – Next Generation

About IFAE

The Institut de Física d’Altes Energies (IFAE) is a public consortium of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB, a public university) whose main objective is to carry out research and to contribute to the development of high energy physics from a theoretical, experimental and technological point of view. IFAE has the status of a “University Institute" attached to the UAB and its premises are within the campus of the University.

About Atlas Pixel group

IFAE participates in the upgrades of the ATLAS experiment at CERN for the High Luminosity phase of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). The IFAE Pixel group is actively involved in the construction of the High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) and the Pixel Detector for the Inner Tracker (ITk). We work in close collaboration with the near-by National Centre of Micro-electronics (IMB CNM) to develop state-of-the-art silicon pixel detectors for tracking and precise timing in collider experiments: radiation-hard 3D pixel devices and ultra-fast sensors with charge multiplication. We also perform R&D on Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (DMAPS) which are partially designed at IFAE. These semiconductor devices also have applications besides particle physics experiments, for example in synchrotron radiation research and in the medical field.

What will be your role?

The successful candidate will contribute to the construction, the testing and the final characterisation of the detectors in the IFAE laboratories. This includes the determination of the electrical properties and the study of the detection performance of the new particle detector prototypes before and after irradiation using radioactive sources and lasers. In addition, the work foresees travels to accelerator centres such as CERN in Switzerland or DESY in Germany to perform experiments with highly energetic particle beams. For interested candidates, the possibility of participating in the ATLAS data analysis or in the development of semiconductor devices for medical applications can also be incorporated.

Closing Date: February 15, 2024

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