ERCI Webinar | AI for the Rail Sector: Travellers' Experience & Seeing Machines

In this ERCI webinar, you will learn about the huge potential of artificial intelligence for the rail sector.

The EYYES GmbH specializes in railway safety. They use AI and camera systems to create innovative warning solutions. With their products, they have dedicated themselves entirely to the field of safety in public transport and traffic. The presentation addresses the accident risk for pedestrians, explains how AI and neural networks work for image processing and perception, highlights AI use cases and solutions for railways, and showcases practical videos of assistance systems in action.

EURECAT, the technology centre of Catalonia, is a provider of innovative and exceptional technologies to respond to the needs of industry for innovation through applied research and technological development, generating value and competitive advantage. EURECAT will talk about the European digitalisation goals for 2030, data lakes in mobility and rail transport. They will discuss what generative AI is compared to traditional AI, its specific capabilities and applications. Finally, the risks and limitations of generative AI will be discussed and what the next steps are in this regard.

Quan: Mié, 14 Febrero 2024 10:00 - 11:30

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