THM Modelling of Reinforced Soil Structures er al CIMNE

The functions assigned to the “THM Modelling of Reinforced Soil Structures” will include, but are not limited to:

  • Define and develop coupled numerical models to reproduce the rate-dependent response of geosynthetic reinforced soil structures.
  • Undergo several physical tests campaign to properly characterize soil-reinforcement interface properties considering different materials (e.g., reinforcement type), geometry, installation procedures, and soil conditions.
  • Study sustainability-related aspects of geosynthetic reinforced soil structures.
  • Collaborate with various research groups within CIMNE and worldwide.
  • Carry out quality research, training and management.
  • Participate on the dissemination and outreach activities associated with the project and his/her work.
  • To publish in high-impact international journals (JCR journals) during the contract duration, author and co-author articles.

The deadline for registration to the offer ends on January 22nd, 2025 at 12 noon

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