Research Support Technician - Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience | Job openings and fellowships per al ICN2 - Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia

The TCN group has an established experience in the numerical simulation of the charge, spin, and thermal transport in large-area disordered 2D materials and heterostructures. This project will leverage the TCN group's in-house codes to compute and analyze the transport and relaxation of orbital magnetization in such systems, revealing valuable insights in this emerging field.

Main Tasks and responsibilities:

  • Review updates of transport code to handle orbital currents and magnetization
  • Implement appropriate tight-binding models for the systems to be studied
  • Simulate orbital dynamics in such systems, in the presence of various defects and disorder
  • Extract and analyze simulation results, develop a basic theory of orbital transport and relaxation

Deadline for applications: 23 January 2025

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