ELA4ATTRACT roundtable: challenges of STEM outreach activities

La taula rodona reunirà les parts interessades clau per discutir el progrés i els reptes de les iniciatives de divulgació STEM, amb un enfocament particular en les activitats destinades a atraure grups poc representats, com ara estudiants femenines i estudiants d'entorns socioeconòmics baixos.


  • Jordi Regalés, Secondary Education teacher specializing in Technology. Member of CESIRE-AulaTec within the Department of Education of the Government of Catalonia.
  • Laura Ivern,  industrial Engineer. Deputy Director of Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya (EIC, Industrial Engineers of Catalonia). 
  • Francesc Rambla, engineer and professor of Technology in secondary education, he is also the President of the Catalan Society of Technology, a School Ambassador for Save the Children in Catalonia, and the author of several publications. With 40 years of experience as a Technology teacher in secondary schools, he has also served as a trainer for educators at the UPC’s Institute of Education Sciences (ICE) and the Department of Education of the Government of Catalonia. He has been actively involved in educational innovation programs.
  • Núria Raventós Pagès, Project Director and Program Manager at  Oracle Consulting. She stands out for promoting women's leadership and their participation in the technological world. She is a member of the Oracle Women's Leadership Group (OWL); promoter of female leadership development initiatives in the Oracle office in Barcelona, ​​collaborator of the Oracle4Girls initiative; Founder and promoter of the Oracle4Teachers Program, with the aim of putting STEM studies on the horizon of all girls attending ESO and Primary.
  • t.b.d, member of the Young IT girls.

Registra't aquí per participar-hi.

This event is part of the workshop organized under the ELA4ATTRACT project.

La taula rodona tindrà lloc el 23 de gener de 2025, de 9.30 a 11.30 h, a l'Aula Capella, ETSEIB (Av. Diagonal 647, Barcelona). La taula rodona es farà en castellà.

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