PhD Thesis Defense - "The Impacts of Main Trends on the Port Sector. Evolution towards a New Generation of Green and Digital Ports" by Francisco Javier Garrido

Trends in logistics and more broadly across technology and energy are resulting in changes on the traditional business models and roles of ports. Since the port ecosystem is going to be considerably different in the following two decades, decision-makers need to be aware about these trends to prioritize investments and build new and dynamic strategic masterplans. This thesis seeks to analyze some current trends impacting on ports and analyze the changes on their roles to define long-term strategy. 

The results of this thesis will contribute to the state of the art of Ports of the Future by identifying the main trends impacting on ports in the long term (2040). The impacts are identified by means of the Delphi method process within the Port Community of Barcelona. The research allowed to identify which are the key drivers that are going to transform ports: green measures to decarbonize maritime transport and supply chains; circular economy hubs to produce or customize on site and on demand products in port areas; new physical and digital infrastructures for automated and connected vehicles and port terminals; and finally, a fully digitalization to offer new services (track and trace, call optimization, etc.) as well as an optimized supply chain oriented to offer resiliency for the hinterland clients of the ports. These trends will change the long-term port business ecosystem.

Mr. Javier Garrido is a Civil, Canal and Port Engineer from the Technical University of Catalonia (BarcelonaTech). He has a double degree with the École des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris, a higher school specialized in transport and in the socioeconomic evaluation of transport infrastructure. He has collaborated in the execution of the Transport Infrastructure Assessment System (SAIT) of the Government of Catalonia.

Quan: Monday, December 2, 2024 at 11:00 am CET

On: ETSECCPB, Sala Tesines C1-002 (C/Jordi Girona 1-3, mòdul C1, Campus Nord, Barcelona)

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