Master Student - Aerothermochemical simulations of combustion in rocket engine configurations (R0) per al Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Highly efficient and compact devices for space propulsion combustion applications depend on the utilization of high-pressure and cryogenic temperature injection conditions. These extreme operating regimes limit the amount of data that can be extracted from experimental diagnostics. Consequently, high-fidelity numerical simulations become crucial for achieving elevated reliability and readiness levels in the development of new technologies. In the context of rocket engines, such computations are challenging due to the critical and transcritical conditions which occur at elevated pressure and temperature, and which have a strong influence in the thermochemical states within the combustor. These conditions were already examined in one-dimensional flames by implementing real-gas equations of state in the code Cantera, providing an initial infrastructure for their study. This project will build upon these past works to construct a full flamelet manifold of supercritical conditions which will allow to perform simulations in rocket engine combustors operating at high pressure and temperature.

The research team that the applicant will be involved is the Propulsion Technologies Group at CASE Department of BSC. The team is a multidisciplinary group with researchers from all disciplines and with strong background in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The team is involved in many EU and industrial projects related to this topic, where the successful activities and the publications on highly ranked scientific journals give the proved expertise.

Key Duties

  • Literature review of rocket engine combustor configurations
  • Creation of flamelet manifolds with a real-gas equation of state
  • CFD computations of selected rocket engine configurations
  • Report writing

Data de tancament: Divendres, 03 Gener, 2025

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