World Bank Group Young Professionals Programme

For over 60 years, the Young Professionals Program (YPP) has been both a highly competitive and uniquely rewarding opportunity to join the World Bank Group. As a premier international organization at the forefront of development, we look for prospective Young Professionals (YPs) to join us from around the world with diverse backgrounds, exceptional technical skills, outstanding leadership potential, and a demonstrated commitment to our mission and values. Working across the World Bank, IFC, and MIGA, our YPs help solve the world’s most pressing development challenges to improve the lives of millions globally.

YPs join the World Bank Group as Technical Specialists, Economists, and Associate Investment Officers on an initial five-year term contract, renewable based on performance. During their first two years, they have the unique opportunity to deepen their knowledge and experience through rotational assignments across the World Bank Group.

Additionally, YPs take part in a structured learning and talent development journey through our YP Academy. Key elements include technical and operations training, language programs, negotiation and business skills, and leadership development. YPs also receive one-on-one coaching, connect with mentors, and engage in strategy-focused dialogues with senior leaders.

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