Vocational education and training in Spain

VET in Spain offers a wide range of programmes, flexible in type and duration, face-to-face or via e-learning, allowing for accumulation of learning units and progression. Initial VET (IVET) programmes are modularised and include compulsory workplace learning at the end of or during studies. A new regulation on VET has strengthened the work-based component and reorganised VET into five ascending grades. VET for adults is an integral part of the national qualification system, with recognition and validation of prior learning as key elements. In response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Spain has increased its focus on meeting industry needs, supporting adult upskilling and reskilling, and the transition to a digital and green economy.

Vocational education and training in Spain EN ES

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Club ETSEIB Alumni: Taula rodona, El món del MOTORSPORT

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