Enginyer de recerca de satèl·lit per al desenvolupament de la càrrega útil de la missió PhotSat per l'IEEC

The selected candidate will have the following duties and responsibilities:­

The IEEC wants to hire a person to contribute to the development of the payload software within the framework of the PhotSat project, from the definition of subsystems requirements to the implementation and validation of the on-board computer software.

The selected person will be in charge of the following functions:

  • Participate in the definition of the software requirements of the various subsystems of the PhotSat Payload (Siderostat mechanisms and sensors, Camera Detectors and FEE, Instrument Control Unit, Thermal Control Systems, etc.).
  • Interact with the Prime to define the communication protocols between the payload and the satellite platform.
  • Participate in consortium meetings and interact with different teams.
  • Optimize the control FW of different instruments.
  • Develop the Linux drivers required to control various instruments.
  • Install the drivers and firmware developed on the Linux operating system of the ICU (based on Xilinx Ultrascale+ MPSoC) with help of the Nanosats team of the IEEC.
  • Execute the Unit Tests and the Functional tests of the FW and Linux Drivers.
  • Coordinate the implementation of the TM/TC layer, the Data Processing Pipeline and the Alert System, in the OS of the ICU, together with the Engineers and Scientists of the PhotSat consortium.
  • Provide technical support for the tests of other subsystems: design, implementation and programming of various Electronic Ground Segment Equipment for the AIV/AIT campaigns.

Data fi de termini: 2024-07-30

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