Internships at EUROPOL

The aim of Europol’s internship projects are to:

  • provide interns with unique and first-hand practical experience and knowledge of Europol’s workings, objectives, services and goals in particular and of the European Union institutions in general;
  • provide interns with the opportunity to work in a multicultural and multilinguistic environment, thus contributing to the development of mutual understanding and trust;
  • promote European integration;
  • provide interns with the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge they have acquired during their studies and training;
  • introduce interns to the professional world and its constraints, duties and opportunities.

Through its official internship scheme, Europol:

  • benefits from the input of enthusiastic interns, who can offer staff a fresh perspective and up-to-date academic and educational knowledge;
  • creates a pool of former interns who will be better prepared to collaborate and cooperate with Europol in the future;
  • creates long-term "goodwill ambassadors" for European ideas and values both within and outside the EU.

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