How can we guarantee the long-term capacity of the electricity grid?

Through our PERSEO Start-up programme, we seek digital solutions that enable us to model new demand and generation scenarios in the grid, with self-consumption, storage and access flexibility, to forecast their operation and then plan their investments to guarantee the grid’s capacity, assuming a reasonable demand for electricity distribution on a five to ten year horizon.

Eligibility criteria:

Solutions that do the following will be assessed favourably:

- Propose automatic learning methods or algorithms to generate and validate medium/long-term scenarios to plan network needs based on forecasted demands with different levels of granularity, foreseeing that the data from the real network operation will, in turn, allow feeding into the information system to use predictive models.

- Apply these algorithms to current simulations, based on historical data, and to simulations with predictive models, including parameterisation based on existing and public economic, industrial, sustainability, administrative factors as well as others.

- Analyse the additional geo-referenced network capacity needed at different levels of granularity, as well as the best use of existing capacity with the available flexibility.

- Identify other relevant data that is not being captured, in addition to the grid’s current state of digitisation, ranging from smart meters to the control of primary and secondary substations (LV transformer substations).

- Quantify the necessary investments in the distribution network in the different scenarios and their probability in terms of necessary infrastructures and their cost, introducing a cost–benefit type evaluation or analysis.

Link to the opportunity (if applicable): 

Expires on July 06, 2024

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