Fluidra Ventures: Calling for innovators impacting our challenges in the pool and wellness industry

Fluidra Ventures is the Corporate Venture Capital fund of Fluidra, the first and unique venture fund specialized in pool and wellness worldwide.  We will invest €20 million in tech-based startups that offer emerging solutions that can enhance the pool and wellness sector. 

If you are part of the worldwide innovation ecosystem (startup, research center, university...) and you have any proposal that could impact our challenges, we are open to collaborate.

The fund's investment thesis will be focused on B2B, B2C and Deep Tech business models and market segments such as commercial, residential, wellness and mass market (all related to pool and wellness market).

Areas of interest and strategic lines:

- Connected pools and smart technology integration.

- Optimization of resources, energy  and water consumption.

- Digital platforms and virtual services.

- Use of innovative materials.

- Security and safety systems.

- Customization experiences.

- Robotics and equipment.

- Innovative consumable products.

Expires on July 31, 2024

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