Call for proposals Africa - South America: Promote worldwide a European way to digital innovation rooted in culture

The ambition of the current action is to start a process at an international level where art-driven innovation is promoted as an alternative joint pathway to the future for economies across different continents and cultures. The action intends to demonstrate how synergies of digital technologies with local arts, culture and traditions across different nations and continents can contribute to developing both novel technologies and novel uses of technology that are ecologically conscious, socially inclusive, and compatible with human values and local culture.

The ambition of this call is three-fold:

• Highlight concrete projects at the nexus of art, technology and innovation that bring together artists with engineers in local technology companies or with other stakeholders in regional development (NGOs, end-users of technology) to work on concrete challenges in the regions.

• Develop a narrative on innovation rooted in culture worldwide that helps in engaging public and private players in the regions (local startups/SMEs/industry – including big digital players present in the region, art institutions, foundations working in these regions, development agencies, NGOs etc.) into jointly developing activities linked to an art-driven approach to innovation for regional development.

• Foster artistic, scientific, and technological links between Europe and the world.

Expires on July 16, 2024

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