Clean Energy Technology Observatory, Batteries for energy storage in the European Union - Joint Research Centre (European Commission)

This report is an output of the Clean Energy Technology Observatory (CETO), and provides an evidence-based analysis of the overall battery landscape to support the EU policy making process. It is part of the series of reports on clean energy technologies needed for the delivery of the European Green Deal. It addresses technology development, EU research and innovation activities, global and EU markets and market players and assesses the competitiveness of the EU battery sector and its positioning in the global battery market. The focus is on sodium-ion, redox-flow, metal-air and zinc batteries. It also contains assessment of market developments, production, trade, patenting, and access to raw materials in the area of batteries in general and especially Li-ion batteries technology.

European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Bielewski, M., Pfrang, A., Quintero-Pulido, S. et al., Clean Energy Technology Observatory, Batteries for energy storage in the European Union – Status report on technology development, trends, value chains and markets – 2022, Publications Office of the European Union, 2023,

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