STEMployment | EURES - European Job Days

Have you ever considered living and working in another country? If so, Denmark might be the perfect fit for you.

Denmark is known for the great work-life balance with an average work-week of 37 hours and 6 weeks of paid vacation per year.

Denmark is characterized by a flat organizational structure, ensuring that your voice is heard in the workplace and offering great opportunities for career advancement.

On Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 11-13 CET and again at 18-20 CET, Workindenmark / EURES Denmark invites you to join our online job fair, STEMployment – Find your next job in Denmark. An event made for jobseekers within the STEM-sectors – Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics. You will be able to browse through job vacancies from Danish employers, apply for jobs and get to know a lot more about Denmark through expat-interviews, company presentations and more.

Danish EURES advisors will be available via chat on the event day to provide guidance on all aspect of working and living in Denmark.

Denmark is looking for profiles such as:

  • Engineers (all kinds)
  • Process Operators (be able to manage industrial equipment/ facilities, ensure technical procedures and quality assurance) 
  • Msc. in Chemistry (bio, protein, physical and analytical)
  • IT-professionals (all kinds)
  • Finance-professionals

Workindenmark is the national public employment service for qualified international candidates looking for a job in Denmark, and Danish companies searching for foreign candidates. Workindenmark is part of the Danish Ministry of Employment and a member of the European Employment Service (EURES).

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