Schuman Traineeships

The European Parliament offers different traineeships within its Secretariat in order to contribute to the vocational training of young citizens, and to the understanding of the working of the institution. These traineeships are awarded for a period of five months.

Eligible candidates should:

  • be aged 18+;
  • hold a university level diploma(s);
  • have a thorough knowledge of one of the official languages of the EU and a very good knowledge of another official language of the EU;
  • provide an eligible criminal record;
  • not have worked for more than two consecutive months within an EU Institution or body;
  • not have carried out a study visit in the secretariat of the European Parliament six months prior the beginning of the traineeship.

Interns receive a montly allowance depending on the places of assignment.

Candidates can apply for 3 traineeship offers per campaign.

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