PhD Student (R1) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The INB Coordination team, led by Dr. Salvador Capella-Gutierrez, is looking for a highly motivated PhD student to work in the context of FAIR data and software. The FAIR principles for research data establish guidelines to make data (F)indable, (A)ccessible, (I)nteroperable, and (R)eusable. The project will be centered on understanding the similarities and differences existing when comparing data and software from a FAIR perspective. The successful candidate will complete a PhD in bioinformatics, working towards a set of FAIR principles for research software and mechanisms to measure how FAIR research software is. The candidate will join a dynamic team within the Life Sciences department. The researcher will work in the highly cooperative, multidisciplinary and distributed context of ELIXIR and the IMI2 project FAIRplus.

ELIXIR (European Life Science Infrastructure for Biological Information) is a pan-European organization founded in 2014, which aims to integrate and harmonize European bioinformatics infrastructures. ELIXIR coordinates the participation of more than 20 countries; engages with other strategic European initiatives and projects, e.g. ESFRI, Research Data Alliance, EUDat, and EGI; promotes specific training activities and workshops on ELIXIR resources, partners with industry, and play a key role in shaping the bioinformatics landscape.

The vast amounts of data generated in life science research have the potential to add to our understanding of diseases and help advance drug development. Yet most data is hidden in proprietary databases and stored in different formats. The goal of FAIRplus is to deliver guidelines and tools to facilitate the application of ‘FAIR’ principles to data from certain IMI projects and datasets from pharmaceutical companies. The project will, therefore, make it easier for other researchers to find the data and integrate it into their research. The project will also organize training courses for data scientists in academia, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and pharmaceutical companies. Ultimately, the project hopes to change the culture of data management in the life sciences sector.

Key Duties

  • Complete a Ph.D. in Computational Biology and/or Bioinformatics.
  • Collaborate with various bioinformatics and computational groups across Europe and beyond.
  • Take part of the FAIRplus activities assigned to the BSC

Termini per aplicar: Dimecres, 16 Agost, 2023

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