PhD student in computational analysis of the developmental biology of kidney organoids (R1) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computational Biology group, led by ICREA professor Alfonso Valencia, is looking for a PhD student to work on developing and applying data analysis approaches to uncover the molecular mechanisms that regulate the development of kidney organoids. The context of this job position is an ongoing collaboration with Professor Nuria Montserrat’s lab at IBEC.

Key Duties
  • Development of new and use of existing single-cell analysis pipelines.
  • Use AI predictive computational methods to build models that capture complex developmental processes.
  • Use the group’s modelling framework based on Boolean and agent-driven systems.
  • Integration of heterogeneous data sources using advanced data mining techniques.
  • Preparation and presentation of scientific articles.
  • Collaborate in the preparation and presentation of scientific projects.
  • Establish and maintain collaborations with international researchers.
Termini per aplicar: Dilluns, 31 Juliol, 2023

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