Entrepreneurship is important for innovation, job creation and economic growth. It can also strengthen social inclusion and tackle societal challenges through policies for Inclusive entrepreneurship and Social entrepreneurship.
The Better Entrepreneurship Policy Tool is an online tool designed for policy-makers and other interested parties at local, regional and national level who wish to explore how public policy can:
- Support youth, women, migrants and the unemployed in business creation and self-employment
- Support the development of social enterprises
The Better Entrepreneurship Policy Tool
- Stimulates thought-provoking reflection on inclusive and social entrepreneurship policies and programmes
- Promotes learning through international good practices
- Enhances inclusive and social entrepreneurship policy design and implementation
- Targets a wide variety of stakeholders, such as policymakers, business associations and networks, chambers of commerce, finance providers, research institutions, education and training providers, and civil society organisations
- Operates in 24 languages
Més entrades d'Emprenedoria