PLANETech | Extreme Weather Events Competition

This challenge competition by PLANETech and KKL-JNF is aiming to identify technologies from a variety of sectors to better predict, prevent, manage, and recover from wildfires, floods, extreme temperatures, and more. Established startups, early innovators, and companies that are looking to pivot their technology towards this topic will participate in this unique competition. The main value proposition for participates is a funded pilot opportunity with trusted and world-known partners from a variety of fields.

PLANETech, together with KKL-JNF, is on a mission to identify technologies that tackle Extreme Weather Events

$500K for investments and pilots

Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent, more intense, and are reaching record costs globally.

We are launching a unique competition to identify technologies that can tackle them

Participants can win $500K in pilot and investment with our partners

Termini d'inscripció: 01/06/2022

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