0Waste Hackathon

eWorks and the Esade Center for Social Impact are organizing the 0Waste Hackathon event and they are looking for participants with innovative spirit and interest in creating ideas that generate a positive impact on the environment through waste reduction. Through processes of guided co-creation, open innovation, design thinking and multidisciplinary dynamics, the 0Waste Hackathon aims to generate economically and environmentally sustainable startup ideas that solve the challenges identified in the territory surrounding the B30 highway.  

The Hackathon will be held at the Rambla of Innovation at Esade Sant Cugat, on March 11 & 12. Throughout the event, participants will benefit from talks from guest speakers, and spaces for networking. The best 3 ideas generated will access the 0Waste Pre-accelerator, which will start at the end of March. Participants can register in teams of 4 to 5 members or individually and a team will be assigned to them. If you want to register for the event as a group, please register only 1 person of the group and indicate the teammates’ names and email address in your registration. 

Quan: Del 11/03 al 12/03 a las 16:00 (GMT+01:00)

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