Undergraduate Student - AI and CFD simulations of urban flows (R0) per al Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Department of Earth Sciences of the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre-Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS), BSC-ES henceforth (bsc.es/earth-sciences) is one of the most active groups in air quality and atmospheric composition modeling, climate prediction and climate services in Europe. The Department comprises about 200 people, including scientists and technical staff. It is structured into five distinct but interacting research groups: Atmospheric Composition, Climate Prediction, Earth System Services (ESS), Global Health Resilience, and Computational Earth Sciences.

The candidate will work in the ESS group. The ESS group develops climate and air quality services, facilitating knowledge and technology transfer of state-of-the-art research at local, national, and international levels. The main purpose is to demonstrate the ongoing value of climate prediction services, atmospheric composition, and weather forecasting to society and key sectors of the economy, such as renewable energy, urban development, infrastructure, transport, insurance, health, and agriculture.

The ESS is looking for a Junior Researcher who is willing to develop his/her an internship in the bridge between AI and advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations of urban air quality. Successful candidates will benefit from the training program and the BSC-CNS staff benefits: an international multidisciplinary scientific environment, advanced research training, and advanced computational facilities. We encourage applications from highly motivated physicists, engineers and mathematicians (and related disciplines) with outstanding qualifications.

Key Duties

  • Analyze and evaluate model results against observations; create graphs and reports.
  • Develop AI emulators based on CFD simulations of real locations in Barcelona
  • Perform uncertainty quantification studies
  • Multidisciplinary research, working with scientists and IT developers

Data de tancament: Dimecres, 05 Febrer, 2025

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