Social economy and social enterprises Observations from international experience

The purpose of this briefing paper is to look at international experiences of development of social enterprises and identify examples and lessons relevant to initiatives in Eastern Wielkopolska aimed at job creation and continued labour market participation of workers displaced by industrial transition, specifically workers from the lignite mining and power generation activities of the ZE PAK group. More broadly, the paper looks at the potential of the social and solidarity economy to contribute to delivering a Just and Green transition in accordance with local, regional, national, and European ambitions for decarbonisation of economic activities, environmental sustainability, and social solidarity. The next section briefly outlines some of the key characteristics of social enterprises. The following sections consider some of the benefits social enterprises can provide to workers and local communities. The paper then indicates some potential opportunities for the development of social enterprises relating to green and digital transition. The final section of the paper concludes with some key considerations and lessons drawn from international experience of social enterprises and their development. The annex to the paper provides short summaries of 14 illustrative cases of social enterprises.

European Commission: Directorate-General for Energy, Social economy and social enterprises – Observations from international experience, Publications Office of the European Union, 2024,

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