Researcher in computational political communication (R2) - AI4S per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computational Social Science and Humanities program envisions preparing the social sciences and humanities for the era of data, artificial intelligence (AI), and Exascale supercomputing. Our mission is to foster collaboration between social scientists and computer scientists, making high-performance computing (HPC) accessible to all researchers in the field. Through innovative approaches, we aim to apply social science research to contribute valuable insights for informed policymaking. In our pursuit, we focus on a wide range of key societal research areas such as Population and Household changes, Democratic Quality, Social Media, Public Opinion and Political Communication, Equity and Welfare in Education and Labor Market, legal systems and Legislation, Social-Ecology, Science of Science, and History, Archeology and Cultural Heritage. Employing a mixed of advanced statistical models, AI/Machine Learning, Large Language Models (LLMs), Agent-Based Modeling (ABM), Social Network Analysis (SNA), high-performance computational methods are applied to a wide range of large datasets from official statistics, surveys, social media, news, laws, historical archives, current data archives, archaeology data, citizens & volunteered and web-scraping data, and public administration and industry data.

We are seeking for a postdoctoral researcher with strong skills in data science to join the Communication and Social Behavior research team. The candidate will be expected to play a pivotal role in advancing cutting edge research on communication and public opinion dynamics by applying advanced computational methods (ML/AI, LLMs, ABM, SNA…). You will report directly to Dr Ana S. Cardenal, Professor of Political Science BSC-UUC, and Dr Mercè Crosas, Head of the Computational Science Programme at BSC.

Key Duties

  • Conduct innovative research on communication, public opinion dynamics and related areas using advanced computational methods (ML/AI, LLMs, SNA, ABM).
  • Assistance in tasks of data collection, cleaning, pre-processing, and analysis.
  • Writing and submitting project proposals of high scientific quality to seek competitive financial support at the international and European levels.
  • Coordination and assistance in setting up an Internet Observatory.
  • Collaboration with the rest of the research group and members from other CSS departments.
  • Exchanges and creation of synergies with other social science disciplines to advance research and knowledge transmission.

Data de tancament: Divendres, 18 Octubre, 2024

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