Research Engineer for HPC and AI for critical infrastructure resilience (RE3) - AI4S per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Dual-Use Technologies Group from the Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (CASE) department is looking for a research engineer for the development of software for critical infrastructures, bot physical and cyber, oriented to increase resilience in dual-use technologies, by means of AI methods and techniques.

The project will be developed within the framework of the AI4Science Fellowships (AI4S), a talent attraction and retention program aimed at the convergence of HPC and AI. The programme aims to consolidate research lines on the intersection of AI for dual-use computational modelling, data analysis, data management and decision-making discoveries, leveraging computational capabilities and AI models and data. Considering the projects we are involved in, we have the possibility to match our project needs and candidate interests when deciding on the tasks to be carried out.

The funding for these actions/fellowships and contracts comes from the European Union Recovery and Resilience Facility - Next Generation, within the framework of the General Invitation by the public business entity to participate in the talent attraction and retention programs within Investment 4 of Component 19 of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan.

For more information, please check:

Key Duties

  • Be in charge of the design, development and implementation of a hybrid cloud on-premise HPC platform integrating, among others, data and user privacy management, workflow managers, functional APIs that execute training and evaluation of Artificial Intelligence systems, and management and integration of executions in production level services.
  •  Large-scale Analysis of datasets and image analysis.
  •  Achievement of significant and measurables results.

Data de tancament: Dimecres, 16 Octubre, 2024

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