Postdoctoral Researcher (Homomorphic Encryption) - ERC Project (R2/R3) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Accelerators and Communications for HPC Group leads cutting-edge research and development around accelerators/coprocessors in HPC and high-performance networking. We collaborate closely with the major vendors in the topic for HPC: NVIDIA and Intel. We organize locally international events such as the PUMPS Summer School, PATC Courses on CUDA/OpenACC, and annual hackathons, and collaborate in the organization of related international conferences and workshops such as SC, IEEE Cluster, or AsHES.

The group has been recently awarded one of the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grants:

Group Web Page:

Key Duties

  • Coordinate software-hardware co-design efforts in the project
  • Advise on R&D related to homomorphic encryption in collaboration with researchers, research engineers, and students experts in different domains of high-performance computing
  • Write papers and scientific documents
  • Drive dissemination and communication tasks (attend conferences, drive related training events, etc.)

Data de tancament: Dijous, 31 Octubre, 2024

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