Postdoc researcher on Bioinformatics per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The BSC participates in the Stratum project that aims to explore the use of multimodal data processing through Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to support complex surgeries in many anatomies, with brain tumor surgery being one of the most complex cases. Our mission is to analyze and characterize the performance of large-scale data analysis pipelines to propose novel algorithms and hardware accelerators.

Our research group is seeking a highly motivated postdoc interested in applied AI and bioinformatics algorithms and datastructures. Come join our group to address the challenge of providing accurate and efficient co-designed software-hardware solutions that can scale with increasingly large and complex sequencing datasets for large-scale bioinformatics analysis. In this exciting role, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with a dynamic team of researchers and engineers, contributing to leading scientific research.

Key Duties

  • Research on acceleration of bioinformatics algorithms and AI-based data analysis pipelines using software and hardware optimization techniques.
  • Investigate novel bioinformatics algorithms and data structures.
  • Write scientific papers and actively engage in ongoing research lines and activities.
  • Coordinate and attend project meetings, supervise MSc/PhD students, and manage research teams and project deliverables.

Data de tancament: Dimecres, 16 Octubre, 2024

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