LLVM Software Engineer (RE2) per el Barcelona Supercomputing Center

The Computer Sciences (CS) department of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center is participating in different projects around the RISC-V ecosystem and HPC. We are looking for a software engineer that wants to push forward this ecosystem by implementing support for vector support, OpenMP and loop transformations and other features that can speed-up typical HPC applications when running on RISC-V.

The funding for these actions/fellowships and contracts comes from the European Union Recovery and Resilience Facility - Next Generation, within the framework of the General Invitation by the public business entity Red.es to participate in the talent attraction and retention programs within Investment 4 of Component 19 of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan.

For more information, please check: https://www.bsc.es/join-us/excellence-career-opportunities/ai4s

Key Duties

  • Support or apply methods and techniques in the field of the AI in the context of compilers. This includes, for instance and does not limit to, exploting the MLIR infrastructure in the context of the HPC projects at BSC or addressing difficult compiler problems in compilers via AI/ML methods.
  • Identify optimisation and code transformation opportunities to improve the performance of HPC applications, in the context of OpenMP, Vectorization and RISC-V.

Data de tancament: Dimarts, 22 Octubre, 2024

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