Call for Expressions of Interest – ERC Grants in ocean sciences. Institut de Cencies del Mar

The Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM), the largest center for multidisciplinary marine science in Spain, with a leading role in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region, is committed to attracting international talent, promising researchers who will lead our research in the future.

#theERCjourney is a ICM’s support programme which comprises a set of activites intended to help ICM researchers (current and potential) become more familiar with the ERC grants, and provide individual assistance to international researchers preparing an ERC Grant to be hosted at ICM. 

The next offered support activity is the ERC Workshop – Writing a competitive proposal, an in-house/online training workshop to be held on October 31st 2024, from 9AM to 4:45PM (CET) by Mette Skraastad from Yellow Research.

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