EURES ITALY for BSBF2024 | EURES - European Job Days

BSBF is a business oriented congress, focused on high technology and innovation with the aim to be the main meeting point between Research Infrastructures and industry across Europe. Its 3rd edition will be physically hosted in Trieste, in the region Friuli Venezia Giulia, in the north-east of Italy, from 1st to 4th October 2024. 

Mark your calendars for 4th October 2024! Join us online for the EOJD EURES Italy for BSBF2024, as a targeted entry point connecting Candidates and Employers across Europe to the world of Big Science!

Its focus, the  Big Science Market, a multidimensional and multifaceted environment, including a multitude of different entities, industries and domains of science: from inventions changing & supporting our daily life to scientific discoveries reaching the stars!

Career opportunities span across a wide range of profiles in Big Science Organizations & Industries, covering development and production of advanced technological products in offshore, wind power, defense, medical, and aerospace sectors. Roles include scientists, technicians, engineers (electrical, mechanical, construction), materials specialists, electronics experts, ICT professionals, mechatronics specialists, superconducting magnet engineers, 3D printing experts, software developers, laser and optics technicians, maintenance service providers, HR specialists, economists, communicators, legal experts, and managers... 

…but these are only a few examples of the diverse needs within Big Science!

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